In 2017, Marie Hermanns completed her undergraduate studies in mechanical engineering and her mechanic apprenticeship in a dual system successfully. This study program was a cooperation between the University of Kassel and the Volkswagen AG. Afterwards, she continued her studies at the University of Kassel focusing on applied mechanics. A full scholarship of the state Hessen offered her one semester abroad at the University of Massachusetts in the USA (United States of America). In 2019, she graduated with her master's degree and started working for the department of Technical Development of E-drives and Transmission at Volkswagen AG, Group Components. Her fields of work as an engineer comprised the system simulations of efficiency and thermal aspects of an electric drive. In 2021, she started the Ph.D. program of the Volkswagen AG. Her new focus is on the transmission of the electric powertrain concerning design and simulation in an early state of the development process.